So a few weeks ago I get a call from Marcus telling me he will be home the Friday before - HIS, Breanna and Samuel's Birthday/Mother's Day weekend. I think to myself..great, all will be well with the world, and I will have my children home for a nice family weekend.
So sure enough as I am checking out at the grocery store, I get a phone call..Mom, are you going to be home soon? Yeah, yeah, I go.
We get home...get the car unpacked and he goes and lays down for a nap...this is where it starts to fall apart....LOL. Marcus gets up from his nap and decides there is about an hour and a half until the kids get home and he wants to go to my grandmother's house for a visit. No big deal she lives maybe two minutes from me up the hill. He has this general idea that he will take his car over there, walk back and hide the fact that he come home a day early from the kids....then surprise them.
So I get a call literally two minutes before the bus rolls up saying, I am going to be a few minutes late..I am helping Granny mow the big deal...I run into Samuel's room as the bus pulls off and stash Marcus' bag in an area that isn't readily seen. A few minutes later I get another panic call...Umm mom, "we" have a problem. Not so sure how this is my problem....I hear "I got my car stuck in Granny's yard."
Yep, it's stuck! And he has spun in the mud until his car's front bumper is maybe 6 inches off the ground...Fortunately my grandmother's neighbor has a tractor, and pulls him out...we make it back home and manage to surprise the kids when Marcus finally show's up. He then says: " Mom my car seems to be running hot, the temp gauge jumped up when I came over here." Common sense would tell you to let the car sit a bit and then check the fluids....all is well doesn't get hot while idling...seems fine. Little bit of drama with borrowing dad's car, carrying all the boys to the store...while Bre was at scouts (making her angry, and feeling left out)...and kids not being home in time to go to day is a school day...boys have a field trip...makes for an upset mom.
Apparently, Marcus had her drop him off on the way back home at the "shop" where his car is..and they tell him it's an engine problem..take the car to the local dealership, as it's under warranty. Off he goes into the edge of Memphis to the dealership...No problem....I am icing cupcakes, Norm is still sleeping, and my phone starts least half a dozen times...every time it's Marcus. Mom I can't find....How do dad up yet....and I can't remember the rest of the conversations....I am getting annoyed as he should be able to follow simple directions...I am prepping for the birthday party, and have a houseful of kids due at our house in 1 HOUR! Finally, I have enough of a break to jump in the shower...he must have called a few more times, however no one heard the phone ring.
Norm gets up...I shower....he's off to get the pizza for the kids. I get out of the shower, and dressed, my grandmother shows up >HURRRRRAY!!, kids start trickling in....birthday party is underway. Marcus: Mom I am going to need dad to come pick me up. Umm You are going to have to wait awhile: Dad is gone to get the pizza, I have a house full of kids, that means he has to drive over there after he gets back.
Eventually he gets a clue and before I know it...he's pulling up in a rental car...
He comes in enjoys some pizza, cake/ice cream, then starts "I don't know what I am going to do...I have class on Monday, and the dealership is closed until Monday. I am supposed to be back home and in class on Monday." "Marcus it's have leave on the books, there is a reason for "emergency leave/leave extensions" the OOD (Office of the day) at your it by your chain of command and get your leave extended, tell them what is going on. Much to his relief within an hour he gets it cleared to be back Thursday instead of Monday. At some point as I am getting table cleared off..Marcus talks his dad into taking the rental car the dealership (an hour trip)...and Norm has to be at work at 10PM.
OFF they go....They finally get back home and we watch some TV, kids are finally somewhat settled..and living on the sugar high. Marcus gets on my laptop, and I happen to glance over his shoulder to see him emailing his "foster mom" that he will be down there to spend his birthday with him....he informs me he plans on leaving just after church on Sunday going back "home". He honestly thinks his car is going to be ready and they don't even OPEN back up until Monday morning. So much for spending a nice mother's day with "my kids" muchless birthday's.
He leaves and I get a call from my mom...apparently he's been at my grandmother's all morning. Marcus is studying to be a preacher, and wants to treat everyone as religious illerates, and has the need to shove all his newly "Hell, Fire, and Brimstone." skills down other people's throats...everytime he gets a chance. (He knows better than to pull it around us...we have told him numerous times - you have to use love, kindness..and fruits of the spirit to lure people to God, rarely will the "Hell, Fire and Brimstone" by example.)Yet occasionally he will try.
I never heard any what happen with that, as the children were getting home from cell phone rings yet again..."mom, my car is fixed, I need dad to take me over to get it." My question: WHY could he have not called instead of going over there to see if his car was ready and saved an hour trip?" Norm gets up about the time the kids get home from school...just in time to be picked up, go back an hour across town to pick his car up...I am out the door to scouts with Jadan before they get back. I get home from scouts...all are ready for school, and I am exhausted...mentally exhausted anyway. Marcus says his goodbye's, as he plans on getting up early to go back to MS. I specifically tell him do your best not to wake the kids up they have school in the morning; to which I am told no problem, my car is already packed. WHEW!!
HOW was my Mother's Day....I survived!
If you made it this far...blessings to you!
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