Sunday, August 12, 2007

Another one of those question thingers..get to know me

The Year 2007

1. Who kissed you on new years? No one...Norm had duty this year, unless you count before and after he went to work.

2. Did you have a new year's resolution this year? not this year

3. Does it snow where you live? very seldom

4. Do you like hot chocolate? Nothing better on a cold morning or evening, MUCHO YES!!

5. Have you ever been to Times Square to watch the ball drop?no


1. Who was your Valentine? Norm

2. When you were little did you buy Valentine's for the whole class? yes

3. Do you care if the groundhog sees its shadow or not? not really-i don't even know if he did this year

1. Are you Irish? Don't think so.

2. Do you wear green every Year on St.Patricks day? yes I do.

3. What did you do for St. Patty's Day in 2007? I don't remember.

4. Are you happy when winter is pretty much over? no, I hate to see it end

1. Do you like the rain?sometimes

2. Did you play an April fool's joke on anyone this year? Yes

3. Do you get tons of candy on Easter?just what the kids wind up giving me lol

4. Do you celebrate 4/20? no

5. Do you love the month of april? Sure do, that's the month I was born.

1. What is your favorite flower? I don't have a particular favorite, but if I had to choose would be either carnations or daisies.

2. Finish the phrase "April showers...":makes for a gloomy day

3. Do you celebrate May 16th: National Piercing Day? don't think so ...I did all my piercing before Christmas...LOL

4. Is May anything special to you? Yes, May 12th, May 17th, and of course mother's Day

1. What year did/will you graduate from high school? 1988. And no, I'm not going to the reunion

2. Did you do anything fun during this month? The kids got out of school and we had our pool built...WoooHooo FUN FUN FUN

3. Have a favorite baseball team? no

1. What did you do on the Fourth of July? hung out at the house, swam, and cooked out.

2. Are you going on any vacations during this month? nope.

3. Do you blast the A/C all day? You betcha!

1. Are you doing anything special at the end of your summer? My father-in-law is coming to visit, and getting the kids ready to go back to school

2. What was your favorite summer memory of '07? Spending lots of time with my kids, having a stress FREE summer.

3. Did you have a sunburn? Nope

4. Did you go to the pool a lot? Almost every day

1. Will you be attending college/school?no

2. Who/was is your favorite teacher? I think it was a cross between Mrs. Bales, and Mrs. Bradford

3. Do you like fall better than summer? yes


1. What was your last Halloween costume? Mistress, I think.

2. What is your favorite candy? CHOCOLATE

3. Whos birthday is this Month? I don't think I know anyone with a birthday in October.

4. What was/is your favorite thing about this month?Halloween is the best!

1. Whose house do you go to for Thanksgiving? We usually stay home for Thanksgiving, and fix a family meal here.

2. Whats best about this month? The anniversary of moving into our house. It's fun to get into all holiday festivities.

3. What are you thankful for? I'm thankful for my husband, and my children, my home, and my friends.

4. Do you love stuffing? I can take it or leave it, I prefer sweet potato casserole...only mine...LOL

1. Do you celebrate Christmas? Yes

2. What is December 1st, 2007? The countdown beginning for my boys birthday.

3. Have you ever been kissed under the mistletoe? Yes

4. Get anything special last year? The joy of celebrating our first Christmas in our new home, and my "Harley."

5. What do you want this year? To be with my family, it's always wonderful to see their faces this time of year.

6. Do you like cold weather? Best time of year, especially for snuggling.

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