Monday, April 7, 2008

Making Memories...

I have focused the last week on playing catch up on some pictures that I have been putting off scrapping, and focusing on the memories of the loved one's that have touched my life. Maybe it's my birthday coming up, maybe it's the fact that my mom is here visiting, but anyhow....I am finding some creative energy, and getting some pictures from my collection scrapped...LOL.

These pictures were taken of my daughter and my mom last night. It is times like this that I appreciate having my mom around. This visit has been a welcomed pleasure, and a treasure for my little people.

Purchased Kit: Scrapgirls April, Monthly
Freebie Word Art: Elegant Word Art By Bethany
(Both can be found using the links on this page)

This my Sister/Partner in Crime/Best Friend, This picture was taken at Busch Gardens a couple of years ago. I hope she will enjoy it as much as I do. Look BEEEOtch, I finally got it scrapped...LOL, Love ya!

This I did with filters, and masks I have had for quite some time, and don't know who they came from

Pictures of my boys on their Pumpkin Patch Field Trip with their Pre-K class in 2006.
Mrs. Sternberg/Mrs. Martin, You ladies deserve a medal for all your hard work and the difference you make in each child's life on a daily basis. Education does certainly start early..Thank you for promoting their success.

Purchased Kit: ScrapGirls Fall Collection
(Links can be found using the links on this page)

I miss you Pop. Your birthday(5/12)is just over a month away. Bre, I believe, has been missing you as much as I do. You have been on my mind a lot lately. Bre has been having a hard time missing mom and was thrilled when mom finally came for another visit the other day. This visit has been a pleasure, and a welcomed adjustment for Bre. We got mom's scrapbook out and I was able to take the pictures, scan them, and make some layouts. I never realized until I was doing pages for other people that I didn't have many of you. You are missed, and this was just what I needed for both the kids and I. My birthday is next week and this was a present not only to them...but for me. RIP Pop. Love you.

Freebie Kit I found on the internet and made a quick page.
Freebie WordArt: ElegantWordArt by Bethany
(Both can be found using the links on this page)

This picture is so you, before you got sick. Always wearing a ballcap and a well deserved day out of the truck. Being a truck driver, both you and mom were always on the road. I am so glad you occasionally took the time to enjoy the finer things in life. Too bad there wasn't more time and opportunities to do so. Thanks for taking the occasional opportunity, and being with us as long as you were.

Freebie QuickPage found on the internet.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Don't call me a beeotch, beeotch! Love the LO. Those pics of Daddy Charles made me tear up. I'm glad you're scrapping them and it's making you feel good. Love you!