Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Oh my, they are starting to read.

I am sure you are as guilty of it as I am, if you have ever thought about it. The kids are around and you start to spell words you don't want them to understand. There is always a point when they figure things out, and I guess that point is going to be sooner than later with my last two "no so babies" anymore.

My kindergartener's are turning into READERS! Yes, I have been working with them and done some Hooked On Phonics to help them learn to read, but I wasn't really positive it was sinking in. It seemed like they would grasp bits and pieces of it and other times nothing.

Today they get home from school like any other day and the first thing we do is unpack and do homework, eat lunch, and then they either play on the computer, watch TV, go outside and play, or occasionally take a nap.

So today they get home, and it's the normal hustle and bustle of getting settled into our routine. We circled our words in our poem, and as usual I am telling them to pay attention to the first sounds of the words to help them find them in the poem. So Jordan and Jadan start pointing them out almost instantly. I think Ok....SO they have heard this poem several times and have it memorized. We get done finding our patterns, which is also part of the homework. Doors brown, walls white, doors brown, walls white...AB AB, etc. I pulled out their daily reader books that the school sends home and I notice as I read that they are saying the words the same time I am. ....

I finish the book and say ok, your turn. I hand each one the book and about fell off the couch when they read it back. I then thought, ok I just read that, lets try this again when Norm gets home and I won't read it first. So just before bedtime I call the boys and say, "Hey, bring me your reader books that you brought home from school today and show daddy how you can read." .....THEY did it. So Norm says, "Well lets see you read it back to front." Any other children would start with the first sentence on the last page, then the first sentence on the next to the last page and read on....not Jordan and Jadan....word for word, they read the sentences backwards as well.

Guess I won't be spelling things for Christmas this year. Hold up on the flash cards Santa! Color me happy, my guys can read! Now I guess I better hide my romance novels...they are still a little young for those...LOL.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So exciting! Sounds like you have a couple of smarties on your hands! Too funny about them reading their book backwards.

I'm loving your scrappin' too. My scrapping software isn't working :( I have to find a replacement. I've never printed any of my pages. Can you do 12 x 12's?

I'll add bookmark your blog. Thanks for your comment on mine, you were my first one!