Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Well the time has come to refurbish my first set of twins pictures, and while I am at it...put all of them back on my computer. I haven't been able to find my picture disc's since we moved(almost a year ago.) SO before something happens to all of them I want to: Scan, burn and store them all on a disc. While I am at it..I am cropping the pages to "save" the pictures as well. Looking at the pages of their books I recognize how much of a novice I was when I started scrapping and doing this is allowing me to recreate some of the pages...I wish I could have done ...way back when.

This is one of my favorite picture of Breanna and Samuel, it was taken just outside my bedroom door, in the house we recently moved out of. I am awash with memories of them playing chase up and down the hall just after learning to crawl. This picture was taken just before Breanna started walking, and Samuel would only venture onto his feet if he had his "push cart" to hold on to. It took him a long time to learn to walk. To this day I can still envision them crawling around with bottles hanging out of their mouths (thank you "Playtex Nursers").

Double Click on the pictures for a larger view.

by: © Lisa Beattie
Her laugh rings through me
Like a thousand bells.
The soft sweet way
Her little head smells.

His smile so bright,
His giggle so sweet.
His precious tiny fingers,
His chubby little feet.

What filled my days before,
I do not know.
I've so much love within me,
From inside my heart I glow.

A beautiful new world
Has just begun.
For in it, is my beautiful daughter
And my handsome son.


This is the first picture and the moment I first laid eyes on my baby girl. It was such a bittersweet moment. Samuel had been rushed off to NICU, due to fluid on his lungs, and she was none too happy when they woke her up and took her out via C-Section. She fussed until I touched her face and she heard my voice, then all seemed well with the world. I was upset that it was about twelve hours after my recovery before I got to spend time with her again. It was an amazing moment, and another one of my cherished pictures.


This final layout was a challenge: "Random Can"....your goal was to reach in your pantry and pull something out and use it for inspiration....I looked and found Orville Redenbacher's Popcorn...and used the box, colors, and layout for inspiration for this layout.

This picture was taken just outside the NICU, in the waiting area, after I had the boys. Breanna and Samuel would stay in there and watch video's while either Norm or I would go in and take care and spend time with Jordan and Jadan. They were content with their big bag of popcorn and a movie.

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