Friday, January 25, 2008

Hot off the presses!

Well I finally talked Norm into getting the printer I have been wanting for awhile now...instead of spending big bucks for a 12X12 printer, I settled for a Kodak 5500, that is just released, hot off the assembly line. I have ran into situations where I have to fax things occasionally so we went ahead and got the all-in-one (Copy, Scanner, Printer, Fax)....the biggest selling point is that the ink is much cheaper than the normal ink ($9.99 for the black, and $15 for the color cartridges). I have always preferred scrapbooking on 8.5X10 anyhow...and figure with the money I will be saving on ink, should I want another LARGER print then I can order it online. I have been printing pages like a mad woman this week. The kids are just thrilled to be finally adding the layouts to their scrapbook. Won't be long before I have to make some new albums for them. Breanna's three inch binder is starting to bulge at th seams. Today was a half day of school and the boys chose to stay home with me and Jadan promptly wanted to help me print, and file the layouts in their books. We got much accomplished.

While moving the office around, I ran into a couple of albums I knew where they were but wasn't sure what was inside of them...LOL. I hadn't seen some of these pictures since before our move into the new house, over a year ago. I found a good deal of the boys newborn me a happy camper...let the scrapping begin. The next layout is one of the pictures I found of him, that I edited to make the butterfly. I had a sketch crop challenge last night and through the picture in the scanner....and here is what I come up with.

Oh to be young and in love. One never thinks about later down the road having pictures that are professionally done to cherish when you are only eighteen and getting married. Yep, May will be twenty years for Norm and I. I have started going through my wedding pictures and editing a few of them along the way, and hopefully will start scrapping my wedding album before too much longer. Much editing will be needed on some of the pictures...after all who wants a camper in the background?...LOL

I regret not getting professional pictures done...but will make do with the one's that I have...the pictures aren't the important's the relationship and love that continue to grow. We have had our moments, but hand in hand we continue to make it work, and are blessed with children that make it all work our in the wash.
Norm, I love you and hope that the next twenty plus can be filled with laughter, love, and joy.

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