Saturday, February 2, 2008

It's Saturday

...the sun is out and it's rather warm...what's up with this weather?

Today's Scrap Girl challenge was to use Mardi Gras Colors (Purple, Green and Yellow) to do a layout. I couldn't resist this one for making a layout for my little buddy.

I didn't use the traditional bold colors, but toned it down a bit to make this layout...hey that's what challenges are for, to challenge your creative abilities and see what you can change to make it your own. The idea in general is to have a starting point, and then flip, recolor, and do what ever you like, so that you have something you are proud of....that's what scrapbooking is all about.

First I changed the color picture to black and white. Next, I used the Scrap Girls Anniversary kit, which I purchased some time ago but hadn't worked with yet, my results are below.

Harley thanks you for the challenge Scrapgirls, I like how this one came out.

EDITED: I was encouraged by one of my fellow Scrap Girl friends (AngRoCamp - Angie), to do my first two page here is Part II, as well.)

This is my Cairn Terrier, Harley. He's my little buddy, and often when I scrap he gets up on the children's toybox and hangs his head out the window, or simply lays down sleeps up there. This is a picture I took of him yesterday. My son was playing on the laptop, I was scrapping, and Harley decided to come join us.

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